About Me
Investing In Humanitarian Aid

A few years ago, I realized that I wasn't spending enough time serving others. Instead, I spent most of my time working, hanging out, and even playing video games. Unfortunately, this lifestyle was a little lackluster, and I really wanted to make a difference in someone else's life. I decided to volunteer to help with several different humanitarian aid projects, and I was amazed with how awesome it was. I got to travel to new places, meet new people, and change things for people for the better. This blog is all about throwing your hat in the ring and getting involved with humanitarian services.

Why Host A Mobile Blood Drive?

26 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Blood banks collect blood from healthy donors and store it until it is needed for medical emergencies. Donated blood can save lives, helping sick and injured people recover as soon as possible. Donors can walk into a blood bank to give blood at any time, but people are more likely to donate blood when it's made as easy as possible. You can encourage people at your college, office, or event to donate blood by hosting a blood drive. Read More …

6 Reasons Why You Should Donate Your Car to Charity

23 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The rich in the world do not spend their money solely on luxuries, indeed some set up charity foundations. When it comes to charity donation, most people think of wear, furniture, foodstuff, and money, but vehicle donation is always not the first option. When you have an unwanted car or want to upgrade, donating it to charity is the easiest way to get rid of it. But why charity? Here are some reasons why you can donate your car to charity; Read More …

How To Do More Good With Your Furniture Purchase

17 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Buying furniture is obviously something you primarily do for your own good and maybe for the good of your family and others who you live with. However, that does not mean you can't do good for others with your furniture purchase, too. Here are some ways to ensure that when you do buy a couch, a table, or a nightstand, others benefit as well as yourself. 1. Buy from a local business. Read More …

How Does Sponsoring a Child Help?

4 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Many charitable organizations work with children around the world to provide them with food, clean water, medicine, educational materials, and other living necessities. If you're looking into charities to find one to support, consider sponsoring a child. Organizations that focus on helping children help in many different ways. 1. You're Giving Them Better Health Care Access Most child sponsorship charities make health care a priority. Many children living in the developed world don't have access to regular health care, immunizations, or basic medicine. Read More …

Donation Ideas That Can Have a Long-Term Impact

8 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Helping other people in life can give you the most amazing feeling of accomplishment. If you want to take your humanitarian services beyond simply donating a little food and clothes, consider donations that will have a long-term impact. Sometimes, all it takes is assistance in one particular aspect of life to help someone else move forward and accomplish their goals. Take a look at this article for a few suggestions that you can consider as donations that will have a long-term effect. Read More …